Monthly Archives: June 2014

How to Protect Your Pet this Winter

As the cold weather moves in again, you’re certainly well acquainted with how to keep yourself warm, dry and content. But if you’re a pet owner, have you considered what steps to take to keep your furry friends safe?


Animals can be susceptible to low temperatures. So below, we’ve put together some pointers to help you protect your best friend from the elements this winter.

A Simple Check-up Goes a Long Way

When’s the last time you brought your dog or cat to the vet for a general exam? Your pet may have ailments you aren’t aware of, such as arthritis, diabetes, or heart/kidney disease. Symptoms can worsen as temperatures cool, and it can become difficult for your pet to regulate its body temperature. For these reasons, ask your vet about your pet’s tolerance of the cold, and know what you can do to help when winter is in full swing. Young and old animals are most at risk when the weather turns chilly.

Consider a Winter Wardrobe

Despite fur coats, dogs and cats have sensitive skin – especially around the nose, ears and paw pads. Keeping theses areas toasty is essential. Thankfully, most pet stores sell winter accessories. Booties, small shoes made for pets, can be useful for retaining warmth and protection. They may feel strange and uncomfortable at first, but booties can save your furry friend from sore, cracked feet. Smaller breeds with shorter, thinner hair may benefit from a sweater or coat, as well.

Shelter Should be Stable

It’s suggested that all pets be brought indoors during winter. If this isn’t possible, make sure you provide adequate shelter from the elements. If your dog or cat enjoys time outside despite the cold, create a dry, chill-proof home that is roomy enough for them to move around but small enough to retain body heat. The opening of the structure should face away from wind and the door should be covered. Blankets and towels aren’t enough to keep your pet cosy; bedding made from straw is best for retaining heat. If you want to provide additional warmth, most pet shops sell heated mats (always be sure to read directions!). Lamps or space heaters inside an outdoor pet abode are highly dangerous and not recommended.


Keeping Hydrated is Paramount

Think your pet will be fine lapping up rainwater? Think again. Animals’ bodies use more energy in the winter trying to keep warm so ensure fresh, clean, unfrozen water is readily available – and refresh daily. If where you live is really cold, you may want to purchase heated or plastic food and water bowls to stop your pet’s tongue from sticking when temperatures drop below zero.

Be Vigilant With Your Pet

As a pet owner, you should acknowledge your responsibilities are just as important in the wintertime as in summer. Exercising your pet is still vital, even if walks are shorter, slower or in different locations. Always keep an eye on your pet regardless whether they are on-leash or off-leash; rain, hail or snow can wash away familiar scents that animals use to find their way home. Also, be sure the information on your pet’s tag is accurate and up-to-date, and that identification is worn at all times.

Overall, the best advice we can give is to be attentive. Look for any signs of distress from your pet including weakness, anxiety, or whining. This is just a rough guide and you should always contact your vet for more info regarding cold weather protection for your pet.